The latest Flexibility breaking news, comment, reviews and features from the experts at Fit&Well
A trainer says this five-minute mobility routine will improve your posture—so I put it to the test
Mobility A super satisfying sequence for people with tight shoulders
By Alice Porter Published
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The more you move, the less pain you'll feel—ease creaking joints in just five minutes with this trainer's full-body mobility drill
Flexibility Movement can help to oil your joints, and this gentle routine from Jason Pak is a great way to give your body a tune-up
By Sam Rider Published
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A strength and conditioning coach says these are the two hip stretches we should all do every day
Flexibility Tight hips? Try these two daily stretches
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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A yoga teacher says this five-minute stretch is all you need to maintain flexibility in your spine
Yoga Grab a mat and try these moves
By Becks Shepherd Published
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Spent all day sitting on the couch? Loosen up your lower body with these three hip stretches
Mobility Reverse the damage of sitting with these quick and easy moves
By Jennifer Rizzuto Published
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I tried this mobility coach’s posture-fixing stretch and it was so good I’m going to do it daily
Workouts Desk workers: you need to try this
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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I'm a trainer and this is the first move I use with all of my clients to reduce lower back pain, boost stability and undo damage caused by prolonged sitting
Workout Use this tried-and-tested routine to start your next workout
By Sam Rider Published
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Fix stiff hips and reduce lower-back pain with this one mobility move
Flexibility Try adding this exercise from a NASM-certified trainer to your regime
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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A Pilates instructor says these are the three mobility stretches you should do as soon as you wake up
Pilates This morning mobility sequence will help you start the day on the right foot
By Becks Shepherd Published
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"This is one of the greatest exercises I’ve ever done to help with tight hamstrings": A performance coach shares one of his favorite mobility moves
Workouts All you need is a corner wall and some space
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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A trainer recommends these four deep core moves to improve your posture and build spinal stability
workouts Target your all-important deep core muscles with these four exercises
By Lucy Gornall Published
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These five mobility moves are the secret to happy hips, according to a yoga instructor
yoga Unlock hip mobility with this simple five-move stretching routine
By Becks Shepherd Published
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"This one exercise will make the next 30 years of your life better than you think it could be"—an expert trainer on the best move for longevity
Workouts Undo the damage of sitting with this powerful strength training move
By Ruth Gaukrodger Published
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My osteopath recommended this one move to stretch and strengthen tight hip flexors and I still swear by it
Overcome tight hip flexors with this simple solution
By Sam Rider Published
Unsteady on your feet? Use this fun balance test to check your balance, flexibility and coordination
Workout Plus, five no-equipment exercises to help if your balance could use some work
By Sam Rider Published
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This is the warm-up you need to improve upper body mobility, according to a certified trainer
workout Try this five minute upper-body warm up
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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"This is the most significant change I've made to my exercise routine as I'm getting older"—an expert trainer shares her three-move mobility routine
Workout Just five minutes of mobility is enough to improve your workout
By Alice Porter Published
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Do you find sitting cross-legged uncomfortable? A trainer recommends these standing hip stretches to build lower-body mobility, strength and stability
Mobility I have stubbornly tight hips but these movements really did the trick
By Sam Rider Published
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A certified trainer says this one move will boost your hip mobility and lower-body strength
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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A mobility coach recommends this posture hack to release shoulder tension in 60 seconds
working from home Desk workers, this one is for you
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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"It's never too late to move!"—A trainer says these seven moves will help you stay strong and mobile in later life
Active aging Age well with these trainer-approved exercises
By Sam Rider Published
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An expert trainer recommends doing this ankle mobility exercise if you find squats difficult
workouts Make movement more comfortable with this resistance band stretch
By Alice Porter Published
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A personal trainer says this is the hip-mobility warm-up move you should never skip
workout Prepare your hips for movement with controlled articular rotations
By Jennifer Rizzuto Published
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Try the ultimate posture-fixing routine from a physical therapist
Workout This physical therapist's nine-move stretching routine targets the neck, shoulders, lower back and hips to improve your posture
By Lou Mudge Published
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"If you want to move better and have more lower body freedom you need to start training your flexibility and it all starts in the hips": A movement expert suggests five moves for hip mobility
workouts Improve your squat depth and relieve tight hips with this five-move routine
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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A yoga teacher demonstrates how to get a deeper stretch and boost lower body flexibility with this five-move, wall-assisted routine
Yoga Build flexibility with wall-assisted stretches
By Maddy Biddulph Published
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Use this mobility coach's three moves to fix poor posture and upper-back pain
Mobility Give this oft-neglected part of your body some overdue TLC
By Sam Rider Published
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A trainer says these are the three stretches she relies on for healthy, happy hips
Mobility Stay mobile and active with simple at-home movements
By Lucy Gornall Published
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I'm a yoga teacher and this stretch helps me maintain lower back mobility while recovering from sciatica
yoga I modified the stretch and it made it so much more comfortable
By Yanar Alkayat Published