Use these three stretches to help you achieve the most mobile hips of your life

Get better hip mobility in just three steps with these quick stretches

Woman sits on yoga mat at home with soles of feet together and knees out to the sides
(Image credit: Ridofranz / Getty Images)

I asked Caitlin Donato, a personal trainer and director of fitness for Pritikin Longevity Center, why adulthood seems to mean poor hip mobility and increased imbalance in the hip joints for many people.

“Hip imbalances are common and lead to a restricted range of motion, which can cause poor posture, pain, or injuries,” says Donato.

“The most common culprit is prolonged sitting or leading a sedentary lifestyle. Other causes for hip imbalances include overuse of similar movement patterns (like cycling, running, or heavy lifting without variety), aging and joint degeneration.”

But the effects of the above wear and tear can be mitigated with stretching and hip mobility exercises. Donato recommends these three moves to improve your hip mobility and it features one of my favorites—pigeon pose—which has helped me regain the hip mobility of my youth (or something akin to it) after years of stiffness.

“Hip mobility exercises conducted daily are generally safe and beneficial and conducting them regularly can enhance flexibility, reduce discomfort, and improve overall functional movement,” says Donato.

She also points out that even doing this routine once can help you to feel more comfortable. Donato chose these exercises to increase range of motion, reduce muscle tension, improve posture, enhance circulation and alleviate discomfort.

1. Fire hydrant

  • Begin on your hands and knees with your shoulders directly over your hands and your hips directly over your knees with a straight back.
  • Lift your right knee out to the side, maintaining a 90° bend in the knee until it’s level with your hip, or as high as your range of motion will allow.
  • Lower with control.
  • Do 10 reps on one side, then switch sides and perform 10 on the other side.

2. Pigeon pose

Caitlin Donato demonstrates pigeon pose

(Image credit: Pritikin Longevity )
  • Begin on your hands and knees with your shoulders directly over your hands.
  • Extend your left leg behind you and place your toes on the floor, then move your right knee towards your right hand and your right foot towards your left hand as near as comfortable.
  • Lower your left knee and fold forward at your hips. You should feel a stretch in your right buttock.
  • Hold for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side.

3. Butterfly stretch

  • Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together and your knees out to the sides.
  • Use your elbows to gently press your knees closer to the floor for a deeper stretch.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, keeping your torso upright and back straight.
Caitlin Donato
Caitlin Donato

Donato is the creator of signature fitness programs featured at leading gyms worldwide. She believes in making exercise fun and rewarding, particularly in group settings.

Donato has a BS in Health Education and Behavior from the University of Florida, a Master of Science degree in Health Science from the University of Central Florida and is certified as a personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Lou Mudge
Fitness Writer

Lou Mudge is a Health Writer at Future Plc, working across Fit&Well and Coach. She previously worked for Live Science, and regularly writes for and Pet's Radar. Based in Bath, UK, she has a passion for food, nutrition and health and is eager to demystify diet culture in order to make health and fitness accessible to everybody.

Multiple diagnoses in her early twenties sparked an interest in the gut-brain axis and the impact that diet and exercise can have on both physical and mental health. She was put on the FODMAP elimination diet during this time and learned to adapt recipes to fit these parameters, while retaining core flavors and textures, and now enjoys cooking for gut health.