Boost heart health and muscle gain with this fun dumbbell cardio workout

Fun, even for a cardio-phobe

woman facing the camera punching forward with one arm and holding a green lightweight dumbbell. lots of indoor plants are in the background.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

I love strength training so I tend to do less cardio and avoid high-impact workouts. But I'm also aware that cardio is an important part of any well-rounded exercise regime as it supports heart health, improves blood circulation and helps regulate blood pressure.

When I came across this strength and cardio workout by NASM-certified personal trainer Kaitlin Heaney, I thought it actually looked like fun. The combination of strength and cardio appealed to me—and I thought the jumping elements wouldn't be too challenging. I decided to give it a go and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

How to do the dumbbell cardio workout

There are eight exercises:

  • Dumbbell snatch
  • Reverse fly with step back
  • Floor-touch jump squats
  • Dumbbell punches
  • Dumbbell toe taps
  • Standing dumbbell crunch with knee raise
  • Star jump varation
  • Jumping twists

Heaney recommends doing each of the eight exercises for 30-40 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Take a one-minute break in between rounds and aim to complete two to four sets.

If you complete four rounds at 40 seconds per exercise, the workout should take you around 30 minutes in total (excluding a warm-up and cool-down).

While Heaney doesn’t specify dumbbell weights, I recommend starting with 2.5kg/5lb for beginners, 4.5kg /10lb for intermediates and 8kg/17.5lb or more for advanced levels. You might want to switch dumbbells for the dumbbell punch, which works best with a lighter weight.

This workout gave me a huge energy boost

Since I prioritize strength training over cardio, I wasn’t sure how much I’d like Heaney’s workout.

How wrong was I! The biggest takeaway was being reminded how energizing cardio is—especially when combined with a full-body strength training element, which made it more challenging.

The eight moves hit every muscle group and left me sweaty, out of breath and smiling—the sign of a fun and challenging workout. I will definitely be coming back to this one!

Maddy Biddulph

Maddy Biddulph is a freelance journalist specializing in fitness, health and wellbeing content. With 26 years in consumer media, she has worked as a writer and editor for some of the bestselling newspapers, magazines and websites in the US and UK. 

She is also a qualified L3 personal trainer and weight loss advisor, and helps women over 40 navigate menopause by improving their physical and mental strength. At Maddy Biddulph Personal Training, she runs one-to-one and small group training for menopausal women who want to get fit to ease symptoms and feel like themselves again.