I tried a 5,000-step Zumba walking workout—and the results really surprised me

Up your step count in just 45 minutes from home

white woman exercising at home doing standing heel tap movement, on wooden floor and plants in the background
(Image credit: Getty Images)

When you work from home it can be hard to get enough movement into your day, but getting your 10,000 steps in is one way to support your physical and mental health.

You don't even need to leave the house to rack up your step count. There are plenty of walking workouts available online, like Rick Bhullar’s Zumba dance-walking session below, which promises 5,000 steps in 45 minutes.

I work from home as a freelance journalist and trainer and my schedule is slammed, so the chances of getting out for a walk in the day are pretty slim. Even more so in the evening when I’m wrangling my two young daughters into bed. So Bhullar’s workout was perfect for me. And I made some surprising discoveries.

Try Rick Bhullar’s 5000-step Zumba workout:

ZUMBA 45 min Dance Workout! Zumba Dance Workout for Beginners - YouTube ZUMBA 45 min Dance Workout! Zumba Dance Workout for Beginners - YouTube
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My takeaways

Moving non-stop for 45 minutes is a good cardio workout

In Bhullar’s beginner-friendly routine, he combines elements of Zumba, walking and dance. It makes for an enjoyable workout that boosts your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. You don’t stop moving your feet for the session and I burned over 300 calories in just 45 minutes, according to my fitness tracker.

Steps-based exercise gives the brain a workout, too

A steps-focused workout requires coordination, concentration and memory, as the routine builds up to create the full Zumba sequence. This is excellent exercise for the brain and helps improve co-ordination along with that all-important mind-muscle connection.

Dance workouts are so fun you don’t notice the time

I get bored if I have to repeat exercises during a workout, but there was no risk of that with this workout. It starts with some basic steps that progressively get harder as Bhullar adds more elements and combinations to the choreography. The result is a fun, engaging and fast-paced routine. I honestly didn’t look at the time once, and 45 minutes flew by.

I’d forgotten how mood-boosting Zumba can be

I used to do a weekly Zumba class on a Monday night. Most weeks I’d turn up exhausted from work, not in the mood to do it and desperate to leave before I’d even started. But by the end of the hour I’d have a huge smile on my face and always left feeling positive and revitalized. The same thing happened with this Zumba workout. Yes, I was still as uncoordinated as before, but boy, did I feel good by the end of it!

If you’re feeling tired or deflated, I can vouch that this 5000-step Zumba workout. It's an instant mood booster.

Maddy Biddulph

Maddy Biddulph is a freelance journalist specializing in fitness, health and wellbeing content. With 26 years in consumer media, she has worked as a writer and editor for some of the bestselling newspapers, magazines and websites in the US and UK. 

She is also a qualified L3 personal trainer and weight loss advisor, and helps women over 40 navigate menopause by improving their physical and mental strength. At Maddy Biddulph Personal Training, she runs one-to-one and small group training for menopausal women who want to get fit to ease symptoms and feel like themselves again.